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亚洲色图 校园春色 金价飙升对一个危急的天下意味着什么 —— “ 赚取”英语奈何说?

发布日期:2024-11-08 04:24    点击次数:173

亚洲色图 校园春色 金价飙升对一个危急的天下意味着什么 —— “ 赚取”英语奈何说?

人人一谈来学习The Economist October 26th 2024 Finance & economics “Golden era—Ingot we trust — What the surging price of gold says about a dangerous world”这篇著述的倒数第一段亚洲色图 校园春色。

The Economist October 26th 2024 Finance & economics


1. bring in


bring in 赚取,挣(钱)


Their chain of restaurants brings in millions of dollars a year.


2. be in/out of luck

be in/out of luck idiom 唐突/未能称愿,气运好/差


"Do you have any tuna sandwiches?" "You're in luck - there's one left."



Ultra-rich investors may buy more gold, too. But for gold purveyors the real target is institutional investors: bringing in just a sliver of the tens of trillions of dollars they manage would be a huge boon. Such purveyors may be in luck. Goldman Sachs, a bank, notes that demand for gold ETFs tends to rise only as American interest rates fall, not before. Typically, a rate cut of a quarter of a percentage point increases gold ETF holdings by 60 tonnes—currently $5bn in value—over the subsequent six months. Mr Buffett’s criticism that gold requires fear, and a belief that the fear will spread, is true. At the moment, though, there are a lot of fearful investors.

超等富豪投资者也可能购买更多黄金。但关于黄金供应商来说亚洲色图 校园春色,其果然的贪图是机构投资者:仅从他们措置的数万亿好意思元中赚取一小部分,就会带来遍及的收益。这么的供应商可能很行运。高盛(Goldman Sachs)银行指出,只在好意思国降息时而不是降息之前,阛阓对黄金ETF的需求才会高涨。频繁,在接下来的六个月,降息0.25个百分点会使黄金ETF的握有量加多60吨,而现在价值50亿好意思元。巴菲特的评述“作念多黄金,即是在作念多胆怯”确乎如斯。然则,现在有很多投资者感到胆怯。

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